Screenwriter career coach Lee Jeesup recently wrote a new book called “Breaking In: Tales From The Screenwriting Trenches”. In the book she interviews lots of working screenwriters and during out conversation we talk through some of the important lessons from these various writers.

The podcast is available in iTunes, YouTube, Stitcher (for Android users), the Windows Marketplace, and the Blackberry store or you can simply listen to it or watch it right from my blog.

You can also read a transcript of this episode.

Links mentioned in the show:

One thought on “SYS Podcast Episode 178: Lee Jessup Author Of ‘Breaking In: Tales From The Screenwriting Trenches’”
  1. Good to hear again that a major contest win
    could garner reads. Nicholls though is like Mt.
    Everest. You need oxygen, a body of steel,
    and a Sherpa guide or two to make it to the
    quarter-final base camp. I wonder how
    many producers look at Page, AFF, Sundance,
    etc. ? Any hints about who looks at what? Genres
    they’ll look at?

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