I got an email from Script Doctor Eric. He’s running a unique screenwriting contest. If you’re short on funds this is a good way to get some recognition. Here is his announcement below.

Hey it’s Eric, popping in for a quick guest post. (Thanks Ashley!)

Every holiday season, one of my New Year’s resolutions is always “finish a screenplay.” After I make that resolution, I think to myself, “Great! Done with that!” Which means, it’s not until February when I sit down and start planning the darn thing.

Instead, let’s start early. I mean, now.

Why not? When you get bored with the relatives/caroling/presents (Just kidding, we’re never bored with presents!) why not outline that new script? Or jot down some movie ideas?

To encourage screenwriters to begin next year’s screenplay this month, I’m launching a mini-screenwriting contest (also called “The $3 Screenwriting Contest” – because that’s how much it costs.)

Before January 1st, 2012, email me the title, logline, and the first couple of a pages of a screenplay. And $3.

Multiple submissions are welcome, and yes, you can submit old scripts, but hopefully you’ll take the time to work on the logline and script a bit.

In January 2012, I will choose five winners. Each winner will have until June 1st, 2012, to send me their full script, which I will read and give a free phone consultation.

I’ll also post the winners on my site.

More prizes are on the horizon, but the main goal is to get you writing (and maybe a little bit of internet fame?).

For even MORE details for the contest, please go to the post on my website subtly titled: A Mini-Screenwriting Contest

This is a bit of an experiment, so we’ll see what happens. If I only get five submissions, then it makes choosing the winners easy, but I’m not sure if the contest will have served its purpose. Hopefully this post on Ashley’s site will help get the word out.

Now, back to the screenplay!
