If you have any questions about how to sell your screenplay please email them to me or post them in the comment section of this thread. While I might not answer your question immediately, I will try to answer all questions.

Please have a look through our archives using the search feature (in the sidebar of this blog) before posting a question as many questions have already been answered. If you find a question that hasn’t been answered, please send it in.

Also, if anyone has implemented any of the strategies that I talk about on this blog and you’d like to share your success or failure with other readers please let me know. I always learn a lot from hearing what other people are doing so I think these sorts of “in the trenches” guest blog posts could be quite helpful for everyone who reads this blog. So if you’d like to write a guest blog post please let me know. If I think the readers here can learn from your story I’d be more than happy to publish it.

You can email me at info@sellingyourscreenplay.com or just post the questions into the comment section of this blog post.

20 thoughts on “Do you have any questions about selling your screenplay?”
  1. Hi,

    I’ve written a book that I think would work as a movie, but I don’t have a clue how to write script, or sure I want to. Any suggestions?

    Dave Larson

  2. What do you think of the email or direct mail “blast” services that send a ton of queries? I realize they aren’t very personal as if you research and send a customized query, so I’ve thought about a “blast” service. Do producer/agents/etc every look at these or not?


    1. Jeffrey;

      Thanks for stopping by. I actually lean more towards the shotgun type of blasts than the more refined researched blasts. You just never know what a company is looking for and it’s so easy to send out blasts to virtually every company in the world you might as well. And yes, you can have some success with this method, in fact pretty much all my sales and options have been through this sort of blast. In fact it’s the service I sell in my screen writer marketing services.

  3. Hey Ashley,

    First let me say thank you for all the useful and valuable knowledge you provide on your website. It’s very inspiring.

    I am a screenwriter/film producer living in Canada (Toronto) and I used your mailing queries to film production companies system here in Canada. I had one film producer request to read my screenplay.

    However, my goal is to sell my screenplay to a U.S film production company. I’ve been doing the exact same mail queries system to U.S film producers but with no script request so far.

    My question, from your experience…have you heard of any Canadian based writers who have sold their screenplay to a U.S film production company (without an agent)?


    1. Ian;

      Off the top of my head I can’t say I remember anyone from Toronto selling a screenplay to a US / Los Angeles based production company without an agent… but I don’t see why it couldn’t or wouldn’t happen. I’ve heard of people selling scripts from many cities outside of Los Angeles so I’m sure it can be done.

      However, I’m a big proponent of moving to Los Angeles if you’re really serious about being a screenwriter. There are so many opportunities here in LA that you just won’t find elsewhere.

      I’ve written a bunch of posts on the subject which you can find here: Why you should move to Los Angeles if you want to be a screenwriter.

  4. Regarding copyrighting or WGA registration – what degree of finality is needed/recommended before taking this step? I have several drafts right now that have some dynamite core concepts, but as sure as I am of that is as sure as I am that they need a bit of further work before they’d really be anything I’d try to sell.

    1. You can register a work as many times as you’d like as often as you like, you just have to keep paying the fees. When you’re ready to start showing your work to other people you should take the time and spend the money registering it. If you’re not going to show it to anyone yet then there is no chance of anyone stealing it so it’s probably premature to register it.

        1. Ashely, as I re-read you resp0se I realized that I was asking the same question Alexandra was asking. My apologies.

          So let redirect my question if you don’t mind. What exactly does registering or copyrighting an incomplete screenplay accomplish? If half the story is written, is that good enough evidence to prove a story belonged to the true author? Would a writer like Alexandra be properly protected for those core concepts from a partially written screenplay that is registered or copyrighted? Or is a complete script the only one which is truly protected?

        2. Gene;

          Anything you copyright is protected, it doesn’t have to be finished. My point above is still valid here – if you’re going to start showing your work to people, even if you know it’s incomplete, you should take the time to copyright it.


  5. I should say good evening Ashley, but that really depends on the time line u are over there, for that, i say greetings to you. I have written a story line about one of Santa’s visit to earth, but quite a tragic one, for in this did he become a victim of quite an adventure as he lands at the wrong place at the right time.
    The little i have explained might appear a little clumsy to you Ashley, but as you know, that is a writer’s weapon. It would be of great pleasure to me if you can assist me on this for it appears that the only torch that lights the way in my tunnel as for now is you.
    This is not the only one i have written, and its certainly not the best; i’ve got quite a taste and want for going from the lowest to the highest. I believe, my storyline which appears to be my worst would best billions more when produced, but the first step to this approach is its sales.
    Thank you so much for providing such link to steer hope for we young writers and i believe you would be greatly rewarded in life and in the greater beyond…
    Thanks Ashley in anticipation
    Yours faithfully
    Robinson Morris

  6. Ashley,
    Thank you for your time, it’s greatly appreciated. I do have one side note. I wanted to rent Man Overboard from Netflix and it seems to be in the saved category. I believe “saved” means it’s not yet available on DVD. Is this correct? It’s dated back to 2008 so I figured it should be out for rent by now. Has something gone wrong with it’s release to DVD? Is it available for sale? I read a very positive review and was excited to get my hands on it. I was dissappointed to have to wait 🙁

  7. Hi,

    I’ve completed a screenplay and have been in touch with someone who used to read them professionally. He says that sending query letters is pointless and that a better idea would be to go to LA, meet with assistants and have someone do a cold reading. Do you have any comments on this?

    1. Well… I’ve sold and optioned scripts by sending cold query letters so I know it can work. But it is difficult.

      I recommend you do everything within your power to sell your screenplay. Literally everything. So I would send cold query letters, move to Los Angeles, network, produce your own films, and everything and anything else you can think of to succeed.

  8. 24 June 2011

    What would you suggest to kick me in the ass to get writing. I’ll try and figure it out. If I just want to stay home staring at myself then, that would probably be the answer. Get a life!


    1. I think it was in Syd Field’s Screenplay where he says something like “the longest journey starts with the first step.” There’s some real truth to that. Just start writing and don’t worry about how bad it is. It’ll get better. Write as often as you can.

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